Thank you Eunie for sharing your story . It brought tears to my eyes ,because I felt the same way growing up ! My Dad too was not a JW so I never fit in at the hall or school .Same exact senario ....
Thank goodness you are young and know your own mind . You can break the chain ,and make sure your future children have a quality life you were kept from ,in the process you will find joy too. Before you have children start the healing process for yourself .Join in something fun that you enjoy and make friends . Are you going to college ? That would be an awesome place to start .
Your Mom did what she thought was right ,no matter how much we know IT WAS NOT ! I blame the cult and its influence on peoples thinking . I know deep down my mom loved me and wanted me to be happy ...she just had this religion twisting her natural affection and holding her real personality hostage . I was in the religion and raised my own children in it ,so I understand . She just didn't have the strength in her to take a stand against it ,she really believed it was Gods of the reasons i am now agnostic . I reached a point of breaking and was able to leave with my immediate family .Thankfully we are all slowly learning how to be happy !
Good luck to you and to your journey is yours to take and you can go down any road you choose .Be happy ,be free and don't let the past drag you down .